Inspired by true events, this is the story of 16-year-old Steffi Pape, ready for the world! She’s looking forward to a trip to Paris and then her dream career with the police. But a routine check-up reveals she has terminal cancer. The family’s world crashes. Paris? Unthinkable! For them, sure, but not for Steffi!
When Steffi meets circus daredevil Steve, on the run from his strict father, who offers to drive her, there’s no hesitation. With a stolen car and no money, they are off. Her parents take up the chase and a road trip like no other is on! Driven by deep longing and the lust for life, Steffi learns every day is more precious than the last. When they reach their destination, she realizes it’s easier to let go of your life if you’ve really loved it before.
© UFA FICTION 2019/Thomas Kost