I DON’T MISS ANYTHING is a short animation about a German family. They are unable to deal with their deficits, which start at the time of the Second World War.
69 years later... the post-war generation children‘s traumata are still noticeable. Blocking out and refusing to question experiences can lead to a pathogenic process. Its effect can possibly be passed on to upcoming generations.
An irritating and monstrous story, a story about displacement, rage, speechlessness.
PETRA LOTTJE studied Social Work and Fine Arts in Braunschweig. Active as a freelance filmmaker and artist, a selection of her shorts include: JEDES ZIMMER HINTER EINER TÜR (2006/2007), LOOPE (2008), FREIZEIT (2009), EL MOMENTO (2010), VIELLEICHT ZU LANGE (2011), ALSO GUT (2012), MESSAGE (2012), MIR FEHLT NICHTS (2014), and THE WORLD SUMMIT (2015).