Tim, an ambitious athlete from a precarious neighborhood. Willi, a spoiled son of a chocolate manufacturer. Karl, an autistic computer nerd. And Gaby, the school’s hippest girl.
In their very first adventure, these four completely different characters will solve a plot around a stolen treasure – and finally team up to become the famous gang: T K K G!
ROBERT THALHEIM was born in Berlin in 1974. After work as an assistant director for the Berlin Ensemble theater, he studied at the Free University Berlin and the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. Also active as a publisher and writer, his films include: UM VIER UHR PLÖTZLICH GING DIE WELT UNTER (doc, 1996), ZEIT IST LEBEN (short, 2000), GRANICA (short, 2002), THREE PERCENT (short, 2002), ME (short, 2003), NETTO (2004), AND ALONG COME TOURISTS (2007), WESTWIND (2011), PARENTS (2013), OLD AGENT MEN (2016), and TKKG-DETECTIVE AGENCY (2019).