The once passionate Australian musician, Kell lives in Berlin with his partner Amelie. Facing the demise of his music studio and fretting about a large mole that’s appeared on his thigh, life takes a turn when old friend and ex-bandmate, Joe – a chameleon of sorts, turns up out of the blue. Joe presses Kell to join him in honouring the death of Viv, their former lead singer, who requested that her remains be put to rest at the ‘Lorelei’ – a legendary, mystical rock near her home town on the banks of the Rhein. Encouraged by Amelie to let go a little, Kell takes off with Joe on an autumnal road trip through the provinces of Germany. Soon past tensions arise, Kell suspects that Joe’s moody behaviour isn’t only grief, but perhaps his general mental wellbeing – he’s reluctant to broach the subject. The two visit the band’s drummer Helmut, hoping he’ll join the reunion of sorts. This proves disastrous. After dinner with Helmut’s dysfunctional family, Kell cuts into Helmut’s egotism, which sends him and Joe fleeing back to the road. The search for closure and acceptance intensifies as Kell discovers that when in Joe’s company, nothing is ever what it seems, because perhaps it never was…