GERMANY. A WINTER’S TALE chronicles the story of Becky, Tommi and Maik, a three-headed rightwing terror cell, which lives underground and dreams of nationwide attention. Entangled in a complex relationship of love, hate and friendship, their path of destruction leads to a series of violent crimes. Their ostensible values like honor, pride and loyalty increasingly suffer a loss of meaning...
JAN BONNY was born in 1979. He studied at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM), as well as at the Binger Lab in Amsterdam and Torino Film Lab. His films, which have screened at numerous international festivals and art associations, include: 2ND AND A (short, 2003), COUNTERPARTS (2008), BOOGIEMAN (short, 2015), SINGLE (experimental, 2015), RHEINGOLD (experimental, 2016), ÜBER BARBAROSSAPLATZ (TV, 2016), VON DA AN (experimental, 2018) and GERMANY. A WINTER’S TALE (2018).
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