Germany, 1957. Attorney general Fritz Bauer receives crucial evidence on the whereabouts of SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann. The lieutenant colonel, responsible for the mass deportation of the Jews, is allegedly hiding in Buenos Aires. Bauer, himself Jewish, has been trying to take crimes from the Third Reich to court ever since his return from Danish exile. However, so far with no success due to the fierce German determination to repress its sinister past. Because of his distrust in the German justice system, Fritz Bauer contacts the Israeli secret service Mossad, and, by doing so, commits treason. Bauer is not seeking revenge for the holocaust – he is concerned with the German future.
LARS KRAUME was born in Chieri/Italy in 1973 and grew up in Frankfurt am Main. He worked for two years as a freelance photographer before studying at the German Film & Television Academy in Berlin (dffb) in 1994. Since then he works as a director, script author and producer. His films include: DUNCKEL (1998), VIKTOR VOGEL — COMMERCIAL MAN (2001), KISMET (TV, 2002), SAG NICHTS (2003), WO IST MAX GRAVERT? (TV, 2004), NO SONGS OF LOVE (KEINE LIEDER ÜBER DIE LIEBE, 2005), GUTEN MORGEN HERR GROTHE (2007), THE DAYS TO COME (DIE KOMMENDEN TAGE, 2010), MEINE SCHWESTERN (2011), DAS FAMILIENTREFFEN (2015), and THE PEOPLE VS. FRITZ BAUER (DER STAAT GEGEN FRITZ BAUER, 2015).
Locarno 2015 (Piazza Grande)