What does life taste like? For joyful Nikki the answer is clear: pleasure. Delightfully, she enjoys this on every possible occasion, as she drives through the country in her Land Rover looking for people and their stories for her video-blog. “I’m not so much interested in the topics that are shown every night in the evening news, but rather what the people on the road have to say. Every person has a story.”
Cheeky, explosive and full of easiness, the film pictures life in associative images all around topics of sex and relationships, guilt and religion, sense and nonsense of conventions – and thus gives voyeuristic insight into the desires and longings of the protagonists.
ROLAND REBER’s filmography as a director and writer includes: TASTE OF LIFE (2017), ILLUSION (2013), THE TRUTH OF LIE (2011), ANGELS WITH DIRTY WINGS (2009), MY DREAM OR LONELINESS NEVER WALKS ALONE (2007), PENTAMAGICA (2003), 24/7 THE PASSION OF LIFE (2005), THE DARK SIDE OF OUR INNER SPACE (2003), ARE GIRLS WEREWOLVES...? (short, 2002), THE ROOM (2001 – 6 international awards), COMPULSION (short, 2000 – awarded Best Social Film, Pisticci/Italy), THE BAG (short 1999), MANUEL (short, 1998), ON TELEVISION (short 1998), and IHR HABT MEINE SEELE GEBOGEN WIE EINEN SCHÖNEN TÄNZER (1979), among others.