Agroup of German construction workers moves to a construction site in the border region between Bulgaria and Greece. When the men realize there is a village nearby, they are confronted with their prejudice and mistrust. Two of the men turn the village into a stage on which they compete for the recognition and favor of the villagers.
VALESKA GRISEBACH was born in Bremen in 1968. After studying Philosophy and German Studies in Berlin, Munich and Vienna, she worked on various film and television productions. From 1993-2001, she studied at the Vienna Film Academy, during which time she also spent a year (1996/1997) at the German Film & Television Academy in Berlin. A selection of her films includes: SPRECHEN UND NICHTSPRECHEN (short, 1995), IN DER WÜSTE GOBI (doc, 1997), BERLINO (short, 1999), MEIN STERN (2001), SEHNSUCHT (2006), NARBEN (doc, 2007), and WESTERN (WT, 2017).