The 23-year-old Jonathan sacrifices himself taking care of his cancer-stricken father Burghardt and works on the family farm with his aunt Martha. Looking after his father is an everyday struggle for Jonathan, one which never seems to end. The fact that Burghardt is incapable of emotional closeness and that there is something which stands between the two doesn’t make the situation any easier. Aware of her nephew’s struggle and despite her own troubled relationship to her brother, Martha hires the nurse Anka to help him. Jonathan feels extremely attracted to Anka and falls head-over-heels in love with her. But when Burghardt’s long-lost friend Ron shows up, everything changes and the father-son relationship is put to a test. Jonathan discovers ever more about a past he knew nothing about…
PIOTR J. LEWANDOWSKI was born in 1975 in Warsaw/Poland. After studying Graphic Design and Economics in Warsaw and London, he studied Visual Communication at the University of Art and Design in Offenbach, and Directing at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. A selection of his films inludes: PROJECT 01 & 02 (short, 2001), LITTLE COMPUTER PEOPLE (short, 2001), HEAVY PREGNANT (short, 2003), PAPA (short, 2005), DIE AUFSCHNEIDER (2007), JANEK (short, 2008), FLIEGEN (short, 2009), GÖTTER WIE WIR (TV, 2012), ZWISCHEN ERDE UND LICHT (doc, 2016), and JONATHAN (2016). He is currently working on the feature KÖNIG DER ZIGEUNER (WT).
Berlinale 2016 (Panorama)