By pure coincidence, a photograph found on the internet by chance of a renowned American opera singer, Caterina Fabiani, throws the lives of Paul Kromberger and his daughter Sophie into complete chaos. Paul, well advanced in his years, appears to recognize the image as that of his deceased wife Evelyn, Sophie’s mother. Unable to convince her controlling-and-stubborn-to-a-fault father otherwise, Sophie sets off for New York to seek out this mysterious stranger...
MARGARETHE VON TROTTA ranks among the most important female directors in German cinema since the 1970s, during which time she also made a name for herself as an actress. Today primarily active as a screenwriter and director, her most well-known films include: THE LOST HONOR OF KATHARINA BLUM (1975, in co-direction with Volker Schlöndorff), THE SECOND AWAKENING OF CHRISTA KLAGES (1977), SISTERS OR THE BALANCE OF HAPPINESS (1979), MARIANNE AND JULIANE (1981), SHEER MADNESS (1983), ROSA LUXEMBURG (1985), THE AFRICAN WOMAN (1990), THE LONG SILENCE (1993), THE PROMISE (1994), ROSENSTRASSE (2003), I AM THE OTHER WOMAN (2006), VISION (2009), and her latest film THE MISPLACED WORLD (2015).
photo © 2015 Concorde Filmverleih/Jan BetkeBerlinale 2015 (Berlinale Special)