In this groundbreaking documentary, through unprecedented access WAR AND JUSTICE captures the riveting 20 year journey of legendary prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo – and the International Criminal Court (ICC) at its inception, on their controversial mission to end crimes against humanity. Today, in 2022, the ICC is more in demand than ever. Russia decided to militarily occupy part of Ukraine, and 43 states responded by asking the ICC to intervene. Ukraine accepted the court‘s jurisdiction to investigate possible war crimes and crimes against humanity, Karim Kahn, the ICC‘s current prosecutor, is active but cannot prosecute the crime of aggression because an amendment to the law adopted in 2017 requires the consent of the aggressor, in this case Russia. Ten years after Luis Moreno Ocampo handed over his post as prosecutor to Fatou Bensouda, he is returning to Europe for the first time. Ocampo addresses the world community in a keynote speech about being at a crossroad.