The film traces the development of the Tough Guy from the beginnings of Bogart and John Wayne to the ultimate coolness of Steve McQueen and Clint Eastwood, to the machos of the 80s and the role models of today. Leading men don’t start their service out of nowhere, they are always a sign of the times. How are these men made or even manufactured? Reality has long since caught up with cinema. The Tough Guy image has made it into politics and has been relentlessly perpetuated in mainstream movies. Was it really so wise to leave the definition of manhood to cinema? The film is a re-examination of how manhood works for the big screen and its influence on men around the world.
HASKO BAUMANN made his international mark with the award-winning documentary MOEBIUS REDUX. He is a regular director or the Austrian TV series THE BEST CHEFS IN THE WORLD. His other films include: ABOUT MEN (short, 2013), co-direction on THE DONALD DUCK PRINCIPLE (2014), BEEF – FOR MEN WITH TASTE (series, 2015), and REAL MEN (2019).