Her paintings are disturbing and tender, painful and touching at the same time. Naked, sexless, and disfigured bodies; blissful smiles, places that look like paradise, people who can fly. Originally from Bulgaria, Oda Jaune studies at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, becomes Jörg Immendorff’s student. And she becomes his wife. After Immendorff’s death in 2007 she leaves Germany to move to Paris. Years pass before she agrees to being in this film.
The plan seems simple: the director and her cinematographer will join her in the studio and film the process of creating new paintings for an upcoming exhibition. But it soon becomes apparent that the nature of what is supposed to be captured makes it almost impossible not to destroy it in the process...
KAMILLA PFEFFER was born in 1982. She studied Political Science and Romance Philology in Mainz and Strasbourg before beginning her studies in Documentary Filmmaking and Photography at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Also active as a freelance journalist and script consultant, her films include: DAS ARCHIV — WIE KÖLN SEIN GEDÄCHTNIS WIEDERFINDET (doc, 2010), MENSCHEN, KEINE NUMMERN MEHR (report, 2012, in co-direction with Felix Kuballa), and her graduation film WHO IS ODA JAUNE? (doc, 2016).
Kamilla Pfeffer (photo © Felix Kuballa) photos © Magdalena Hutter