Josef Michael Kreutzer (JOMI) became deaf by meningitis as a child. During his life, he became a famous pantomime under his mentor Marcel Marceau and began an impressive international career. But after a tour of Russia, he is financially exhausted. He is cheated by a manager from Moscow about the income from his performances and workshops. His longtime technician and organizer Bruce must be dismissed. It becomes clear that JOMI must continue to work harder – so he tries to make a fresh start at the age of 65. The film was designed to be easily understood by deaf and blind people without disturbing the narrative flow. The well-known sign language interpreter Isabelle Ridder interprets the spoken content of the film for the hearing impaired in German Sign Language.
SEBASTIAN VOLTMER is also active as a producer, cameraman and film composer. A selection of his films include: THE RETURN OF MARS, THE FACE OF THE MOON, THE FACE OF THE SKY, SHOOTING STARS OVER CHINA, DESNA – MUSIC SAVED MY LIFE, and JOMI’S SPHERE OF ACTION.