How does a life change when nothing is as it seems, when someone’s own history and identity is forcibly taken away? How great is the inner shock when someone has been deceived by the very people in whose custody they felt safe and well cared for? What happens if they have to fight for their legal rights against the supremacy of the state and the Catholic Church? This is an unimaginable scenario, but one in which many thousands of Spaniards have found themselves in recent years. The children, now all adults, are called “Niños Robados” – “Stolen Children”.
INGA BREMER studied Drama in Cologne and Directing at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg and the EICTV in Cuba. A co-founder of the production company Soilfilms, her films as a director include: the documentaries GOODBYE KUTTI (2008), TRÄUMEND (2010), PERFECT GIRLS (2011), and FRANCO’S LEGACY – SPAIN’S STOLEN CHILDREN (2016).