After their children leave home, Sylvia, Marliese, Rosemarie and Marianna all live alone. In four chapters, the women talk about their newfound freedom and the challenges of rediscovering themselves after a life primarily defined by their family and professional roles. Structure bearing responsibilities, traditions and rituals all disappear. In their new life situations, they develop their own concepts to fill the empty spaces. They cannot orient themselves on their parents’ generation; to a certain extent, they are quite avant-garde. The living space and ambience of the four women is shown. The empty rooms are conquered and the children’s traces are preserved, tolerated or even eliminated. The arrangement of the apartments and the women’s personal possessions give insight into their lives, leaving room for individual associations.
FILIPPA BAUER was born in 1985 and studied Documentary Film at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Her films include: WENN MAN WAS GERN MACHT, ZÄHLT MAN DIE STUNDEN NICHT (2008), IN UNSEREM DUNKEL (2010, with Maya Connors), HONIG (2011), DAS GEGENÜBER (2012), and UNOCCUPIED (FREIRÄUME, 2015).
Berlinale 2015 (Perspektive Deutsches Kino)